I like to take a walk each day, usually among trees or near a body of water, so it was counter-intuitive to follow John’s idea to take a walk right where we were: a strip mall near HWY 394 where we just had french fries to celebrate jumping through the final sonic hoop of finishing our song Transformer—that is the mastering.  

Our next hurdle would be visual; a cover image is necessary for digital release.  I had pinged John with images that morning and he had pinged some back to no agreement.  Now we were skirting a drainage pond when we came upon an exclamatory vision—an outdoor industrial communications fixture which had somehow exploded its grimy, multicolored wire guts out.  There was a fallen miniature blaze orange flag warning not to dig, otherwise no containment had been attempted.  I photographed it heavily.

We continued along the frontage road to explore a desolate railroad bridge crossing the highway.  Dozens of birds gathered side by side on the power line overhead.  I captured them flying away in slo mo.  I photographed the grids of bolts and metal girders that created chambers along the bridge from oblique angles.  I received a sweet call from a familiar muse, literally, on my cell phone, which was almost out of juice.  John lay dramatically across the tracks, resting his head on a rail before we turned back.  

Much like the music we make, I never would’ve taken quite this walk if not for John.  The next day we agreed upon this wire explosion photo as the cover image for our song “Transformer,” which comes out everywhere this Friday 3/22/24.  Please follow Typsy Panthre wherever you do your listening, we’d love for you to hear from us via music.

Written by typsy